The Jeffris Family Foundation, dedicated to Midwestern historic preservation, has approved a matching grant to the Carver County Historical Society in the amount of $49,700 to fund 50% of the estimated costs of engaging a consultant to prepare a Historic Structure Report to assess the feasibility of and work required for the proposed restoration of the Historic Andrew Peterson Farmstead.
The other half of the funds for the Structure Report has been submitted through a Legacy grant request. Results of the request will be announced in the fall.
A three year capitol fundraising campaign dedicated to building restoration will begin in early 2018.
The cameras used to monitor the north barn restoration work, were installed yesterday. Once the link is provided, it will be published here. The link will allow anyone to watch the work being done on the barn.
We have received permission to use the Swedish made film about Peterson and Moberg, and add English subtitles. You can view it in advance by clicking on the below link. It is about half English and half Swedish.